Sunday, 26 August 2012

My First Time

A wise person told me that Blogging is the thing to do if you want to write, so here I am.  I am not exactly sure what I should write.  I enjoy reading other people's blogs, but don't think that my life experiences will be as entertaining or worthwhile to read, but I am willing to give it a go and see how it goes.
I have been a columnist for the Samoa Observer for exactly 24 weeks now.  I was never really interested in writing so it was a little weird that I have found a love for it now.  I guess you could say that my interest in writing began when I wrote my first letter to the editor.  I found that it was so much fun to write down all the things that I wanted to express to a certain person face to face, but was either not given the opportunity or was just plain chicken.  My letters rolled in whenever I felt there was an injustice done to myself or I just didn't agree with something.  It was almost a therapeutic ritual to rid myself of all that bothered me.  This then transferred to my columns where I rant and rave about how I think things should be in Samoa (just going to do a plug that you can find my column every Saturday on page 10 of the Weekend Observer).
After speaking with Lani Wendt-Young one evening I was encouraged to begin writing short stories.  I had never thought that I would find this fun at all, I actually didn't believe that I had what it took creatively to write one.  As it turns out I thoroughly enjoyed writing my first short story and I spent the whole weekend writing.  It was almost like I was addicted and I couldn't stop until I had finished, and I didn't stop until I finished.
Having a full time job, a part time job and being a single mother I didn't have the chance to do anything with  the story until today.  So today was my first time to write a blog and it was also my first time to publish a short story online for everyone to read.
I was really nervous and slightly terrified at first because I honestly don't think that anyone will read it let alone like it.  I was complaining to a friend that no one has commented about my short story, 48 people have read it, but no one is commenting, how do I know if it is any good if they don't comment on it!  Like the wise man that he is, he pointed out that I was concentrating on the wrong thing.  I had only posted my story less than 4 hours earlier and in that time 48 people had read it!  My math sucks but that's a lot of people to be reading somethign that I had written in that amount of time.
A couple of hours later I have received some positive feedback which I am thrilled about, but I have also learnt that I need to concentrate on the positives.
So if you want to read my short story and leave a comment please visit:


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! It's fun here a lot of the time! It's been a great way to share views with Samoans all over the world. I've enjoyed several of your columns and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  2. Thanks! I am really enjoying reading all the different blogs from around the world. I didn't realise there were so many but its great to see.

  3. How did I not get an invite to your blog?! *hurt face..* LOL Congratulations on starting a blog and Im sorry Ive been AWOL from the blogging world and only just read yours! Im also sad that your column isnt in the Samoa Observer anymore because I enjoyed reading it and could always count on SOMETHING decent to read in there. But, Im glad that Ive found your blog and can enjoy your thoughts here. And yes, you are very much STILL like Carrie Bradshaw, hot and hotter.
